Who Should You Consult When Seeking a Skin Cancer Check?


The skin is one of the essential organs in the body; the need to make the right decisions relating to it. We can agree that having the right skincare routines is one method of making the right decision about your skin. Yes, this is true, but there are cases where it is not enough because the skin can still fall victim to negative factors that affect its appearance and functionality.

However, a factor often overlooked which should be placed in the same category as skin care routines are who you visit when you notice some disturbing signs on the skin. It is usual for spots and other features to be appear on the skin, but it can become abnormal in some cases. These abnormalities need the attention of a specialist, but the question is, “who is the appropriate specialist for the occasion?”

There are three specialists for cases like these: the doctor, GP, and Skincare doctor. This article will highlight who these specialists are and the ups and downs of each specialist concerning skin conditions.

Who are these Specialists?

Skin Doctor: The skin doctor is specifically trained in treating skin conditions and is a certified and licensed practitioner in skin treatments. They are mainly found in dermal clinics and also general clinics.

GP: This medical specialists have a general view of every medical practice. They are trained to have an idea of every field, giving them the qualities to diagnose and treat skin conditions. GPs can be found at general clinics.

Skin care doctors: These Specialists are GPs who choose to focus solely on skin care treatments. They have an idea of every medical field but focus on skin care treatment. The majority of skin cancer doctors are practitioners who choose to expand their knowledge of the skin to place them in a similar category as the doctor. However, they do not have licensed practitioners like a doctor. These specialists are found closer to homes like on-road stops.

Which Specialist Should You See?

The answer to this question is rather complicated because diagnosing cases of skin cancer like melanoma has been proven difficult because of how they occur. However, research has shown that all specialists detect these cases with equal accuracy.

However, what distinguishes them is how they identify these cases. The GP has the lower hand here because they do not have access to sophisticated equipment like the doctor and skin care doctor. This is because the GP handles different cases regularly, while the other specialists specifically handle conditions that relate to the skin regularly.

The similarity between both is that patients notice some advanced signs; they conduct excision and require the help of a pathogen laboratory expert. Excision is a surgical process of extracting a mole sample for examination, and the pathogen laboratory examines the sample o decipher what kind of condition is involved.


Each specialist has equal chances of correctly diagnosing what kind of skin spot is noticed on a patient’s skin based on previous records but at different speeds. The specialist who uses sophisticated instruments will diagnose the issue quicker than those who do not. Hopefully, this article has helped guide you on the specialist to go to if you are worried about a skin spot.