Cosmetic Treatments

Cosmetic Treatments Gold Coast (Robina)

Our Gold Coast Cosmetic Treatments at Robina offers the following procedures:

  • Cosmetic Mole Removal – we employ a variety of techniques to safely and effectively remove moles from cosmetically sensitive areas, including Radiofrequency (RF), laser and excision. Mole removal results in minimal scarring, and enables patients to immediately resume their daily activities upon having the cosmetic surgery.
  • Torn Earlobe Repairs – damaged earlobes that have become split or torn due to physical injury or through the wearing of heavy earrings over long periods of time, can be safely repaired under local anaesthesia. Surgery is simple and straightforward and recovery time is minimal, with earlobes typically healing within 1 to 2 weeks with no down time.
Gold Coast Cosmetic Surgery
  • Cysts and Fat Lumps removal – cysts are small lumps that form beneath the surface of the skin and although generally harmless, can be distressing, particularly if located on the face or if they cause some degree of pain. Cyst and fat lump excision is a swift and simple procedure that is performed under local anesthesia.
  • Surgical scar Revisions – we offer a variety of treatment methods for patients seeking surgical scar revisions, which are dependent on the type and severity of the wound that needs to be treated. These include skin grafting and flap surgery which are used to treat more serious scars.
  • Acne scarring – we provide an extensive range of treatment methods aimed at successfully reducing acne scarring, including chemical peels, skin needling, fractional laser treatment, DOT Therapy and subcision. Each treatment method has its own advantages and your specialist will discuss which procedure is best for you, based on your degree of scarring and medical history.
  • Skin cancer surgery on cosmetically sensitive areas – our doctors employ a range of specialist surgical procedures to treat skin cancer on cosmetically sensitive areas of the body that aims to minimise scarring, include excisions, flap surgery, graft surgery and margin control surgery. Procedures are decided on a per patient basis, and your doctor will discuss the most appropriate treatment methods with you, during your consultation.


To learn more about the cosmetic treatments procedures that we offer at our Robina Skin Clinic, speak to one of our friendly specialists at our cosmetic treatments Gold Coast clinic. Our medical staff can answer all your questions and concerns regarding all treatment services and procedures.