A Closer Look at the Many Benefits of Contouring and Volumising Treatments


It is impossible to ignore the factor of time and how it affects the skin, although specific factors can determine how the skin ages. Some of these factors include lifestyle, nutrition, and skincare habits. It is essential to understand that the skin ages because the rate at which the body produces specific proteins needed by the skin reduces as we grow older. The reduction is evident on the skin by fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging.

Luckily, specific treatments have also been developed to address the issue and preserve a more youthful appearance. Some methods require invasive procedures like surgery, while others do not. Given the scepticism concerning invasive skin procedures, non-invasive skin procedures have been preferred by many. A non-invasive procedure of interest involves the use of contouring and volumising treatments. This article will explain the concept of contouring and volumising treatments and some remarkable benefits of this procedure. Read on to discover more information about this concept.

Contouring and volumising treatments

As mentioned earlier, this treatment is non-invasive procedures where the lacking enzymes needed by the skin are injected artificially into the skin, stimulating the body to produce more. This procedure is born of the need to address an issue from its source. Fine lines, sagging, and wrinkles are natural effects noticed because the skin lacks the specific nutrients it needs. Contouring and volumising treatments re-introduce those nutrients back into the body to help restore and preserve the skin’s youthful appearance. The nutrients or enzymes needed by the skin include:

  • Collagen maintains the skin’s strength
  • Elastin maintains the skin’s elasticity

The type of treatments used depends on your skin type and the doctor’s recommendations. For this reason, you need to consult with your skin doctor to know which treatment is best for you.

Benefits of contouring and volumising treatments

Below are just some of the many benefits provided to patients by this treatment.

  1. Addresses the cause of the problem: as mentioned earlier, aging skin occurs because the production of specific enzymes reduces; this treatment introduce those enzymes back into the body, thereby stimulating the body to produce more of those enzymes for the skin’s use.
  2. Immediate results: a downside to other non-invasive procedures for addressing skin aging is the results start to materialise after short periods. However, with this treatment, the time needed to notice results is shorter as patients start noticing results almost immediately after receiving treatment.
  3. Minimal risks: a primary reason non-invasive procedures are preferred to invasive procedures is the risks involved. With non-invasive procedures like contouring and volumising treatments, the risks are minimal if a professional and skilled doctor performs the procedure.
  4. Lasting results: the results range from 6-to 18 months, determined mainly by the type of contouring and volumising treatments used and other factors like lifestyle and skincare methods.
  5. Subtle results: this means the results are natural-looking.
  6. No recovery time: compared to other treatment procedures, contouring and volumising treatments rewire with little to no recovery time. Although one may notice swelling in the injected regions after the procedure, the swelling diminishes in little to no time.


Another benefit of contouring and volumising treatments is an increase in confidence. These treatments can be combined with other forms of treatment to further improve the appearance and confidence levels, by extension.

If you wish to learn more about these treatments and how they can help you, please contact us today.